Working Packages

1 Work package number: WP2
2 Work package title: Determination of material constitutive relations for 3D printed metal and concrete specimens, using also recycled consumables, by means of tests and machine learning
3 Starting Month: 1/36
4 Lead Beneficiary: POLITO
5 Objectives: The main objective of WP2 is to define the material constitutive relations that need to be introduced in the optimization runs carried out in the following WPs, for this reason both conventional and recycled consumables will be considered. Machine learning (ML) will be used to define the material constitutive relations using two different approaches. In order to justify that the structural capacity of the 3D printed specimens is in compliance with the one predicted numerically and develop the basis to train the ML techniques, experimental testing will also be performed in WP2.
6 Description of Work:

Experimental tests of the 3D printed specimens will be carried out first in WP2. The choice of the material constitutive law and the determination of its parameters will be made from these experimental tests. The major difficulty encountered is that there will be limited experimental tests. Subsequently, an inverse analysis will then be considered.

  • Task 2.1 Production, processing and classification of the recycled metal powder: The production, processing, sorting and dispatching of the most suitable powder for AM technologies is a promising field. The differences in the printing production can be monitored in case of both recycled and conventional metal wire printing, (Lead by NTUA).
  • Task 2.2 3D printing of specific concrete and metal specimens including recycled consumables: In this tack using the upgraded recycled powder of Task 2.1 and conventional consumables appropriately scaled 3D printed coupons will then be manufactured in appropriate shape, size and number, as specified by EN10002-1, (Lead by IDONIAL).
  • Task 2.3 Experimental testing of concrete and metal specimens: Compression for the concrete (6 specimens: 3 with conventional and 3 using recycled consumables) and tension for steel (similar to concrete) tests will be performed at the Institute of metal Structures at NTUA in order to determine material constitutive relations, (Lead by NTUA).
  • Task 2.4 Inverse analysis: In order to identify the parameters of the material constitutive laws for each material (concrete and metal) and for each type of consumables adopted (conventional and recycled), (Lead by POLITO).
  • Task 2.5 Deep learning base metal and concrete constitutive laws: Deep learning (DL) constitutive models have been shown in the past to have the capability of modeling complex material behavior directly from the results of material tests, (Lead by NTUA).