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About Consortium

The Network’s goal is to nurture competent researchers, highly trained engineers and scientists. To achieve this, ADDOPTML will put in place research interactions that will expose all involved parties to interdisciplinary research activities taking place in institutions and SMEs from seven EU-MS and one Third Country. Furthermore, it sets to provide more than 30 early stage researchers and engineers with the opportunity to be trained by world leading academic and industrial experts and acquire skills in Additive Manufacturing, Engineering Optimization, Machine Learning, and Generative design and in particular its application to AECI. Thus, through the envisaged training exchanges, the human scientific capital will have the opportunity to acquire highly sought skills, knowledge and technical experience in the domain of state-of-the-art methods in Structural, Shape & Topology (S&T), and Multidisciplinary Optimization. The interaction between the 14 partners is presented schematically in the following Figure.


The work to be carried out in this project will be subdivided into seven overlapping research topics which will constitute the corresponding work packages (WP1-WP7), while one additional work package is devoted to training activities (joint diploma theses, international conferences and workshops/seminars along with communication, dissemination and exploitation activities) and one WP for management and coordination. This interaction plan, which is in accordance with the expertise of the research groups of the partner organizations described in detail (in Sections 4.4 and 6), guarantees that the complementarity of the expertise will be achieved and synergies between partners will be fully exploited for accomplishing the project objectives.

The partners involved in the project belong to high level research organizations and the scientists in charge are leading experts in their respective scientific fields. They have an important and complementary research activity focusing on:

  • Nonlinear dynamic analysis; large-scale structural and design optimization of real-world structures; solution of large nonlinear problems (Beneficiary 1-Coordinator NTUA)
  • Nonlinear modelling and analysis of structures under static and dynamic loads, modelling and analysis of progressive collapse response of frame structures, structural safety and reliability, structural retrofitting of existing structures with traditional and innovative techniques and their design optimization with machine learning methods (Beneficiary 2-POLITO)
  • Architectural technology, technology-driven design, structural and construction design, kinetic structures, earthquake engineering, passive structural control, seismic isolation, digital architectural design, fabrication strategies and physical prototyping, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, parametric-associative design logic and physics-based computer modelling (Beneficiary 3-UCY)
  • Kinetic structures and adaptive envelope systems, integrated architectural and structural design, design methods and computational tools, motion analysis and planning, automation systems and physical prototyping (Beneficiary 4-USTUT)
  • Development of industrial projects, innovative solutions in the areas of optimization, industrial automation and energy efficiency (Beneficiary 5-IDEA75)
  • Research and development of innovative systems, solutions and products and also provides technology development, operation and training services to the aerospace and security markets and related industries (Beneficiary 6-SPACEAPPS)
  • Development of advanced manufacturing, digitalization and materials development, including steel & metallic alloys, refractories, ceramics and raw materials, plastics and composites. Also is a specialized center in AM research and development, including 3D printing for construction application, (Beneficiary 7-FUNDACION IDONIAL)
  • Updating and harmonising training and education in the field of welding (Beneficiary 8-EWF)
  • Development of specialized 3D metal printing, developing ground-breaking robotic additive manufacturing technology and large-scale robotic wire arc additive manufacturing (Beneficiary 9-MX3D BV)
  • Consulting engineering and structural health monitoring mainly with structural design and assessment of buildings and structures (Beneficiary 10-STRUCTURES & SENSORS)
  • Development of probabilistic safety, risk and reliability analysis, mainly for nuclear energy plants, and also complex information system applications, platforms for decision analysis/support, optimisation and data analysis, including Big Data and IoT (Beneficiary 11-RISA)
  • Design and analysis of transformable structures (deployable structures and kit-of-parts systems) for architectural applications (Beneficiary 12-VUB)
  • Machine learning applications and optimization software, big data exploitation, data augmentation and software production (Beneficiary 13-INFERSENCE)
  • Development of analysis and design of steel structures, nonlinear finite element simulations of structures, and structural optimization (Participant 1-JUST).